Here at Solus Lupus, we offer a high-quality, yet reasonably priced, selection of
beautiful and trendy accessories.

Solus Lupus, a Latin term meaning 'Lone Wolf', was established late summer 2013 by it's
main owner, Paris. Of course, this isn't her first appearance on the internet as a small
business entrepreneur, in fact, her endeavors began once upon a time on a website called
Myspace. On Myspace, Paris sold custom hair extensions as well as handmade jewelry but
of course, that only lasted as long as Myspace did. However, just two years ago, Paris
picked back up on selling custom accessories as well as other odds and ends on Etsy
under the shop name 'Thousand Confessions'. In early 2013, she stopped using Etsy because
of how much it seemed to limited the ability for her to expand and customize her business
to reach larger crowds. From then on she began her research on different ways to grow her
business and decided to start all over again, thus, Solus Lupus was born. Additionally,
every owner needs a co-owner and thats where Erin, whom of which is constantly by her
side (along with their cat, Saki), comes in to the situation. A student in graphic design,
Erin is a bigger part of this business than Paris likes to admit, but without Erin, no
one would keep Paris in check.